Growing closer to God begins with the desire to do so. If one desires to know the Truth he/she can (John 7:17). The truth can be ascertained (John 8:32). Once in contact with the word of God, understanding and obeying the commandments given (John 14:15, I John 5:3) puts you in close contact with God. This means letting Him speak to your heart (Psalm 119:33), and for His children to speak to Him (I John 5:14-15).

It should be a natural process in growing closer to God—individuals desire closer contact, fellowship, with those of like faith (I Pet. 1:22). It should also be noted that growing closer in love as God would have it, is a learned love, a learned response. In life we learn to love our physical family. One doesn’t necessarily like some of the quirks, kinks, and weaknesses of our family members, but we learn to love them for who they are. In Christ it is the same. We must learn our brothers and sisters. This involves learning their strengths, weaknesses, talents, etc. One might say learning what makes them “tick.” Of utmost importance is learning one another’s needs and caring for each other as the Lord’s church did from the beginning 2,000 years ago (Acts 2:44-45). As we learn God’s children, we learn more about Him.

The more we learn about another the more comfortable we become. This is the same with our Heavenly Father. We come in contact with Him through His word, the Bible (Rom. 10:17; II Tim. 2:15). We grow closer through obedience and prayer, listening, obeying, and talking to Him. It is in this development that we should naturally desire others to know the Friend we have found in Jesus (John 1:40-41, 45). When we’re comfortable with God and with His word, we’re ready to evangelize. This may explain why so few are truly about the work of evangelism.

Once you’re ready to evangelize, it’s important to set goals. Goals shouldn’t be either outrageously high or low, but they should be realistic. It may begin with a goal of inviting a friend to Bible study with the Church. Maybe it starts before that with a social time with your brothers and sisters in Christ—a picnic, church outing, etc., helping to break down barriers of fear and open doors of opportunity. When one goes hunting, the successful hunter identifies the goal and sets his/her target for one at a time. That is true in soul winning. Name your target [to yourself of course] and then go to work on them. Make it happen. Most study opportunities come at inconvenient times, so be ready. Followers of Christ are given full authority from Jesus Christ Himself to go and teach others the saving message of the Gospel (Matt. 28:18-20). When is a good time? Now (II Cor. 6:2).

A better world begins with me, a better church begins with me, and a better life begins when I draw near to God through Christ Jesus our Lord and let Him direct my steps (I Pet. 2:21).

-David Hill, President of Tennessee Bible College