I write thankful for the blessings of Almighty God who has blessed us with salvation from sin and all spiritual blessings in Christ Jesus and cared for us here at TBC for over 45 years.
The College is doing good in a challenging time. TBC has been affected by the COVID-19 virus. No students that we are aware of have suffered from the infection, but about two thirds of our campus personnel and families have been. All have made it through very well. Pray for delivery from this affliction.
As the year 2020 moves to a close, it is a good time for appraisal. It has been a most interesting year to be sure! The term 20/20 vision is understood to be perfect vision—seeing clearly. Perhaps the year 2020 has been a year to help us see in 20/20 vision. I know several who have used this as a theme this year in their preaching and teaching. It was the theme for our annual 2020 Truth Bible Camp.
Some thoughts with 20/20 vision: People often speak of controlling the climate, health, even advance an idea that with proper diet and exercise, one might live forever. Many in our world have become extremely high-minded, but beginning in March of this year, perhaps the Lord revealed how fragile we really are. Those who “did not like to retain God in their knowledge” (Rom. 1:28) should have seen clearly that mankind is not in control of the world. Those who appeal to science as god and speak of the “consensus of scientists” should see there is anything but consensus among the scientific experts. Masks, isolation, cancellations, and related intimidation has made little difference. The experts have been as confused as anyone else. In fact, people with a dose of common sense seem to have been better equipped than the so-called experts. When you hear from the “experts” who speak on climate change, evolution, etc., and talk about consensus of science, remember the lack of clarity during this year.
Among the Lord’s people there have been many paralyzed with fear. Some have either missed out or been put out of opportunities to worship with the church [re: I Cor. 11:18, 20; 14:23] for most of this year. Doors closed; draconian measures taken that no one would have imagined just a year ago. I neither have a death wish, nor am I promoting such when I remind you of the heroes of faith, the overcoming ones, who “loved not their lives even unto death” (Rev. 12:11). This world is not our home. Yes, good judgment is always needed, but there is no substitute for assembling with the saints because that is the essence of the Lord’s Church! Perhaps this year has revealed attitudes and emotions previously hidden or unknown? Some division has come from this and it is sad, indeed. Even if life is lost as a Christian, the Apostle Paul revealed God’s view on the matter: “to depart and be with Christ—is far better” (Ph.1:23). Remember, God is in control and all is well. Check your faith dear brother or sister! If 2020 has helped us to see clearly and do that effectively, then the Lord has opened our eyes to see in true 20/20 vision.
May God bless you and your family in this Holiday Season with comfort, joy, and true peace is my prayer.
-David Hill, President of Tennessee Bible College