With the calendar year 2019 coming to a close, I think it fitting to take just a moment to look back at the year now passing. As the people of God, we’re certainly not to dwell on the past for our God is the living God always moving forward and desires His people to do the same (Ecc. 7:10).
Our year started with an encouraging outlook for an all new TBC Press with plans to build a Bible study curriculum to assist churches both now and for many years to come. The initial offering of this great work is now available thanks to the dedicated work of brother Kerry Duke. A few months ago study book Pillars of the Faith rolled off the press and already several hundred copies have sold. Book number two is just about ready for the press, stay tuned!
Another activity in prospect at the first of 2019 was a mission opportunity in the African countries of Zimbabwe and Ghana. The plan was to visit and work with TBC alumni in those countries. The last two weeks of July, the Lord blessed brother Tim Smith, elder West End Church of Christ, Livingston, Tennessee, and me with a wonderful mission trip. We were blessed with good health, safe travel and quality time with Gospel preachers trained and training at TBC who are working with the Lord’s people in those countries. We were able to teach, survey the work and needs of the church, and enjoy the wonderful fellowship in the family of God.
Our hearts were saddened in April by the passing of a long-time friend and supporter brother John Houser, TBC Chairman of the Board of Trustees. Brother John had been a real encourager through the years for all of us. He was convinced of the value and need for the specialized Christian education of TBC. Having lived in the highlands of eastern middle Tennessee for many years, he believed it important to have this institution in this area for the future stability of the Lord’s church. We still miss him and I always will, but am convinced in the promise of a better land.
In June we hosted our 21st Truth Bible Camp with the best number of participants, yet. It was our pleasure to host 34 young men and women for a week of training. We owe a real debt of gratitude to Jonathan and Mallory Huddleston, Jason Gann, Tim McHenry, camp mom Lisa Hill and our faculty and staff for a job well done. The Lord alone knows the good that will come from this annual program.
Our spring/summer graduation graduated five and honored a veteran preacher of the Gospel. That ceremony took place in the last of June. We love to see students come, but we’re encouraged to see them go into the fields of harvest working for the Lord.
The 2019-2020 year began in September and is off to a good start. At reporting time in October we had served a total of 96 students. This academic year looks to be very close to the last, but we work and pray for increase. I’m thankful for everyone, and pray that we can be good to the trust placed in us.
In this season of Thanksgiving, I’m thankful for the privilege of being a child of God in the family of the King of kings and the Lord of lords. I do not know how one can do better in heritage than being a Christian. I’m thankful for our students, friends and supporters. I solicit your prayers and thank you for your interest in Tennessee Bible College. Happy Holidays!
-David Hill