From a loving Father to His children (I John 3:1), God inspired the Bible—His word of truth (John17:17). As the good Father He not only tells His children what we should do, but also gives a record, cover to cover, of what He has done for you and me. It has been observed that the first epistle of John encapsulates His love and is a love letter from the Father above to His children.
God loved us so much that He was willing to make us family through Jesus Christ (John 1:12). He did this while we as sinners were not so lovable (Rom. 5:8). Unlovable, He loves us, so much so, that He was willing to give of Himself the Christ. Unworthy, He saved us by and through the sacrifice of atoning blood of His only begotten Son. While alienated (Col. 1:21), He reconciled us and proved by and through His grace a means whereby we might be counted holy, “unreproveable in His sight” (Col. 1:22). It’s His pattern of love that calls for those saved by and through His love to in turn love one another (I John 4:7). God’s love is proven (John 3:16), so it is for all who love Him proven in practice (I John 4:7-8).
God reveals that He loves us enough to prove us (I John 5:3). A Christian’s love will be put to the test (I John 4:1-6). Just as He left enemies in place to “prove” Israel of old (Judg. 3:1-4), so it is today with His children. The Hebrew epistle declares this by the term “discipline” in that those whom He loves He disciplines (puts to the test; proves). Oft times that which is despised may very will be accounted for as a time of proving us, preparing for better service to the loving Heavenly Father whom we love (Heb. 12:5-11). If we want to be regarded as His legitimate children, then we accept His reproof.
God loved enough to assure us (I John 5:6-13). We have the full assurance of God [Father, Son and Holy Spirit] (vv. 6-7); the full assurance of Christ through the Spirit, water and blood (v. 8). His testimony assures (v. 9). He has provided so much that all may come to Him in full assurance of faith (v. 10 [re: Heb. 10:22]). To live this life as one should, the full assurance of the record commends eternal life to all willing to obey Him (v. 11 [re: Matt. 25:46]). The full assurance of obedience (v. 12) comforts the earthly traveler (Gal. 3:27, II John 9-11) knowing he/she can be connected to God yielding peace that passes all understanding (Phil. 4:7). You may know, have, and believe in the full assurance of God (v. 13). One of the best sermons of my life was the last one I heard brother Tom Holland deliver at Tennessee Bible College based on the hymn “Blessed Assurance” written by Fanny J. Crosby. His lesson reminded me and all who heard him of the life that should be led resulting from the blessed assurance from our loving Father God.
Your Father has written to you in love, have you in love taken time to read and understand what He has done for you?
-David Hill