The answer to the theme of this year’s lectureship at TBC is obvious. “Who is like unto thee, O Lord?” is the timely question that will be discussed at the Spiritual Renewal Lectures which begin tomorrow night and continue through Sunday night. The topic is taken from Moses’ song when God parted the sea and destroyed the Egyptian army. “Who is like unto thee, O Lord, among the gods? Who is like thee, glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, doing wonders?” (Exod. 15:11). Moses’ question makes a powerful point. We need to remind the world and be reminded of it ourselves. There is no person or power in the universe that can compare to God.
We have made great advancements in this age. Our technology is amazing. Computers and internet resources give us instant knowledge. Cars and jets take us wherever we want to go. Medical science relieves us of so many aches and pains and extends our days on earth. Here in America we enjoy the added benefits of peace and prosperity. We have applied our minds and worked hard to gain this remarkable life and every day we enjoy its comforts.
It is easy to forget God when times are good. Remembering God in prosperity has always been a challenge for God’s people. That is why Moses warned the Israelites before they entered the promised land, “Beware that thou forget not the Lord thy God…But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth” (Deut. 8:11,18). As much as we might like to give credit to ourselves for our accomplishments, honesty and humility demand that we give the glory to God.
Yes, the achievements of this generation are astounding, but they are nothing compared to God. All the knowledge stored in computers, books, and minds cannot begin to approach the all-seeing eye of God that knows our every thought and comprehends everything in the past, present, and future in perfect detail. All the power of our machines and weapons are feeble compared to the omnipotent hand of the Creator who made the universe out of nothing and will destroy it all in the end. Instead of priding ourselves in human accomplishments, it is time to ask, “Who is like unto thee, O Lord?”
The speakers at this year’s lectureship will examine unique aspects of this theme. Their lessons will be Bible-based exhortations. These men are gospel preachers with years of experience and service in the kingdom. This weekend is a great spiritual opportunity to edify ourselves as these speakers engage us in this needed study. Then there is the bonus of fellowship with good, dedicated Christian people from many places that need encouragement just like you do. What better way could you spend your weekend than to set your mind on the God who made us and gives us all things?
-Kerry Duke