What is the Bachelor of Religious Education degree?
The Bachelor of Religious Education degree (B.R.E.) is a favorite for those who want to be preachers. This well-balanced program is perfect for anyone desiring a religious education to be a more effective Bible teacher and Christian worker. While pursuing this degree, you will study the books of the Bible to learn how to interpret and apply the Scriptures.
The Bachelor of Religious Eduction degree includes courses in Christian evidences and apologetics that are much needed today. General education areas such as English and psychology are also a part of this program. Many ask, “Do you offer classes in Greek?” Yes, a full year of New Testament Greek is required for the B.R.E. The historical aspect of your education is important too. That is why TBC offers undergraduate courses in church history and biblical backgrounds.
What makes the Bachelor of Religious Education program unique?
The Bachelor of Religious Education degree is not just about books. It is about learning to teach and serve people. We emphasize the practical side of your education at Tennessee Bible College. Courses in personal work, sermon preparation, and counseling will help you to be the most effective worker you can be in the Lord’s kingdom.
Take a few minutes to look at the courses and course descriptions for the B.R.E. This may be the ideal program for you!

Course work is divided into seven departments of study:
BRE Curriculum
At Tennessee Bible College, course work for the Bachelor of Religious Education degree is divided into seven departments. Read a brief overview of each, or click on “Learn More” for a more detailed look at our required courses.
Our courses in apologetics help students develop a stronger understanding of not only their beliefs, but also of the differing worldviews that may oppose them. Most Christians have considered evidences for the faith, but few have given careful attention to them. Classes in apologetics enable students to precisely set forth these proofs and to defend them. At Tennessee Bible College, we help students become stronger defenders of the Bible through the study of Christian evidences, logic, and false philosophies.
Biblical Languages
Teachers must communicate in the language of the people they teach, which is why Tennessee Bible College offers courses in both Greek and Hebrew to our students. The goal is not to impress audiences with a rare skill, but to possess the tools required to truly grasp the meaning of difficult Biblical passages. Our language courses take students from the ground level and gradually develop their ability to handle the original text.
A proper understanding of the Bible requires a correct interpretation of the text. For this reason, Tennessee Bible College students are given in-depth instruction in Bible interpretation or hermeneutics. These courses include a thorough examination of the history and teachings of major human religious bodies.
General Education
The most important part of the Bachelor of Religious Education degree is, of course, religious education. At the same time, we strive for a well-rounded education in all matters. Courses in general education provide an understanding of the world and its history and enhance our students’ ability to communicate the gospel.
Courses in church history trace the entire history of the New Testament church, from its origin in Acts 2 to more recent issues that we see in the modern world. Events in church history are weighed in light of Scripture and practical current application is stressed in each of these courses. Courses in Bible geography and customs are also available to help students better relate to the history they read.
Many Christian colleges become so absorbed with concepts and theories that the students become isolated from the world of living. Students are so busy preparing to teach others that they never bother to learn how to communicate or relate to them. Our Ministry courses were designed to give this balance by providing opportunities for students to gain practical experience in preaching, personal evangelism, and mission work.
The Textual division is the largest and most importnat division of courses in the Bachelor of Religious Education program. Textual courses focus specifically on the Biblical text, taking them from Genesis to Revelation and challenging them to understand and apply the text through reading, memorization, and exegesis.