One Gospel Minute

Dec 10, 2024

Celebrate His Resurrection

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In this season, Jesus is often discussed, and I love it. God sent Jesus as a peace offering. He lived sinlessly but was crucified. While His birth is celebrated, the Gospel celebrates His resurrection, giving us hope for eternal life. Heaven and angels praise His sacrifice. I serve a risen Savior. Do you?


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  • Scriptures: Colossians 1:19; Hebrews 4:15; I Corinthians 15; I Peter 1:12


David Hill: In this season of the year, many talk about Jesus, and I, for one, like to hear folks talking about my Savior. David Hill. Got a minute? It’s hard to imagine, but God sent part of Himself into the world as a peace offering between mankind and heaven (Colossians 1:19). Jesus lived on this earth as a man, walked, talked, and worked just as you and I do, yet did so without committing a sin (Hebrews 4:15). What did He receive for such dedication and sacrifice? Here on earth, a cruel death upon a Roman cross at Calvary. Unimaginable. But while many celebrate His birth, the Gospel celebrates His resurrection (I Corinthians 15). It’s in His resurrection that we live and have the hope of eternal life through obedience to Him. Heaven exalted Him, and angels praise Him for a sacrifice they can’t begin to understand (I Peter 1:12). I serve a risen Savior. How about you? Thank you for listening to One Gospel Minute. Stay in touch with our podcast on our website and on Apple, Spotify, YouTube, or wherever fine podcasts are distributed. Tennessee Bible College, providing Christian education since 1975 in Cookeville, Tennessee, offers undergraduate and graduate programs. Study at your level. Aim higher. Get in touch with us today. Don’t you want to go to heaven when you die?