The liberals have taken over our Christian colleges and universities. Every Christian school among the churches of Christ was brought about by hard labor, sacrifice, dedication to God and His cause, and hour upon hour of sweat, tears, and self-denial.
The brethren who started the Christian colleges and universities were not too concerned about worldly acclaim and “keeping up with the Joneses.” They were not interested in making an impression on Harvard, Yale, Duke University, and all other secular schools in the world. We already had such schools in existence and there would not have been any reason to start the Christian schools if all the men in the church who started the schools of higher learning had only been interested in education. The men who started our Christian colleges and universities were not interested in making an impression on the world, but they wanted the people of God to have a place where they could send their children and thus develop them in Christian character and the knowledge of God and His word. My, my, how far the brotherhood has drifted when it comes to higher Christian education.
We open the journals of the various Christian colleges and universities and read and see things that ought not so to be. Young men and women are dressed in immodest apparel. There is much “carryings-on” with unbelievers of all stripes. Even among our Christian colleges and universities there is much ridicule and belittling of the godly ways of old. Modesty is mocked; purity is not so much to be desired. The call for greatness in sports and cheerleaders is the cry. Modesty and godliness have dropped out of the forefront and taken a backseat to materialism and worldliness.
How have we gotten to where we are in Christian education? Many of the godly and Bible believers have died or become infirm. There has been a change in the guard. The old guard is no longer with us as it once was. The good, sound Bible teachers in our colleges and universities have faded away and along have come those who seem not to care about what the Bible teaches. Oh yes, they say they do care and put up their little fronts to leave the impression they care. But their works do follow them and we know what they are by what they teach and stand for or what they refuse to teach and stand for (Matt. 15:20). There is a sad state of affairs in the Lord’s church at the present and there will be no good changes made until strong Christians stand up and speak out clearly.
–Malcolm L. Hill, January 12,1934 – June 26, 2012