More lessons remained.
That’s why Tennessee Bible College is continuing with the theme “Things No Man Can Destroy” for its annual Renew lectureship to be held Feb. 25-26.
“Last year we didn’t have enough time to completely develop the theme, so this year we will continue on with that,” David Hill, TBC president, said. “We’ll be examining Bible instruction on the soul, God’s plan of salvation and the ultimate final judgment… none of which can be destroyed.”
Renew begins at 9 a.m. on the campus of TBC, 1616 McCulley Road. Remaining sessions will be held at both TBC and Northeast Church of Christ (next to TBC).
Hill elaborated on some of the topics.
“God’s final judgment—that is something no man can destroy,” he said.
“A lot of folks talk about how man is going to destroy the earth and facetious things like that, but God will determine when the earth is destroyed,” Hill said. “It is in His control.”
Renew will end with a question: What manner of person ought you to be?
“Glenn Ramsey—who has preached the gospel for 67 years and been a part of Tennessee Bible College for 42 years—will bring our study to a close in a summary observation from II Peter 3:11 and a lesson of application. Seeing that God is going to destroy all things we know on this earth, what manner of persons ought we to be? We’re trying to encourage everyone to be the best Christians they can be because of the charge God gives but also because there is a coming day of the Lord and a judgment day.”
It’s a timely theme, Hill added.
“We seem to have a society that thinks they can change anything—including the truth,” he said. “But there are some things that cannot change and certainly cannot be destroyed, and those are the things of God.
“We have addressed this for the last two years because we have seen a general disregard for that which is true and right, and we hope these lessons will be an encouragement for all, and especially Christians, to know that it is a worthy undertaking to be faithful, loyal and true to God and His Word.”
Everyone is welcome to join the fellowship.
In addition, a book of study on “Things No Man Can Destroy” is being compiled. Once complete, it will be available through TBC Press.
For more information, contact TBC or view more information on the event here.
-Amy Davis, TBC Correspondent