Time flies!  Do you realize that we are only days away from the Fall season? Truly, Fall seems in the air with somewhat cooler temperatures here in beautiful Tennessee, home of Tennessee Bible College. Speaking of Tennessee Bible College, the Faculty and Staff are currently flying into the Fall Quarter as it is begins today, September 12. The hallways will once again have students passing each other and hurriedly going to the classes, working to arrive before the professor does and while TBC had an active Summer Quarter, the short “summer break” has ended, and one of the most active times for the College begins.

While the classrooms on campus will contain students taking various courses ranging from ministry courses to doctrine courses, there will be many students taking online courses.  In fact, I am happy to report that the entire Two-Year Diploma Program can be completed either on campus or online.  Also, the entire Bachelor of Religious Education program can be completed either on campus or online. Likewise, the many classes of the Graduate programs in Christian Doctrine and Apologetics may be completed either on campus or online. How exciting is this? TBC is working to offer the intensive Bible instruction that the College is known for in the most convenient ways possible!

We are happy to report that this Quarter there will be two courses that will be offered via the online video conferencing platform Zoom.  These two courses offered at the undergraduate level are Seminar in Leadership and Hermeneutics II.  At the graduate level, they are Congregational Management and Alleged Bible Contradictions.  The course on congregational management and leadership will certainly help to train and inspire future church leaders as well as to aid those already in leadership. The course on Bible interpretation will help to show that there are no contradictions in the Word of God. New this quarter is a “guest pass” that allows anyone to “sit in” on these Zoom classes, allowing anyone who is interested to simply listen and learn.

Enrollment at Tennessee Bible College is steadily rising. We thank God for this. We want you to be a part of our great student body.  Would you consider doing this?  Truly, time is passing quickly.  Psalm 144:4 says, “Man is like to vanity: his days are as a shadow that passeth away.”  Did not our brother James say likewise?  The Holy Spirit through James tells us in James 4:13-14, “Go to now, ye that say, Today or tomorrow we will go into such a city, and continue there a year, and buy and sell, and get gain:  Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.”  

Friends, considering that such is so, what better time than now to grow in your knowledge of God’s Word? Why not get a Christian education at a college level?  I encourage you to be a part of TBC!  View our programs of study and apply now. Tennessee Bible College registration for Fall Quarter is still available through today, September 12. 

-Jason Gann, TBC Registrar