With amazement I acknowledge the passing of another academic year. On July 1, 2019 the 45th academic year [2019-2020] began. There are a few here who remember the start of the College. Glenn Ramsey, Paul Wilmoth and I remember. Brother Wilmoth was a student in some of the very first classes. I doubt that he thought then of the time now when he would be one of the instructors. Just now it’s fitting to reflect and ask where did the time go?
A lot of things have transpired through the years. It was just three years into the operation that decisions were made to move from a part-time night school to a full-time college. Petitions were made and accepted by the Tennessee Higher Education Commission and TBC moved to a degree-granting institution with the first graduating class following in 1982. Some of the brotherhood’s highest-regarded scholars and Gospel preachers were part of the transition and the continuation of the educational programs. Roy Deaver, Malcolm Hill, and Thomas Warren took the lead in the beginning. Others joined the work: Glenn Ramsey, Thomas Eaves, James Laws and James McGill. The Malcolm 2present campus was developed in 1994-95, and students of the above men now lead; Kerry Duke as Chief Academic Officer for the College, and I serve as President. Students of Duke, Ramsey and mine are now instructors: Jason Gann, Tim McHenry and a grandson of Deaver, Weylan Deaver is an instructor in the online campus. The original three are long gone from this world as is Thomas Eaves, but the work continues!
What does the new year hold? Only God knows that answer. The College is in the best financial position, ever. The opportunities and convenience to Christian education at TBC have never been better. The physical campus is beautiful, but now the TBC campus truly is the world! Students are studying at TBC from all over the world through the technology of the worldwide web. It was my good fortune to visit in July with some of those students in the African countries of Zimbabwe and Ghana.

President, David Hill, with handmade flag from Ghana

When TBC began the top new form of communication was the Citizens Band radio. No one could have imagined the digital age of today where words, images, audio and video travel around the world at the speed of light. Dedicated students continue to be graduated from the programs started 45 years ago in Cookeville, Tennessee.
One thing has stayed the same. The Truth (John 17:17). Jesus said one could know it and by it be made free (John 8:32). Our charge is to faithfully teach it (II Timothy 2:2). Will you help us? Would you like to be part of the TBC family? Fall quarter begins September 9, 2019. The old hymn rightly observes: “Time is now fleeting the moments are passing, passing for you and for me” [Come Home]. Now, is the time to advance righteousness in the world. There are no guarantees of future opportunities, and if the Lord doesn’t return, it won’t be long before this year will be gone!
-David Hill, TBC President