When I was a high school student at Baxter Seminary (now Upperman High School) I had already been preaching for five years. Knowing that I needed Bible training I attended Freed Hardeman College (now University) for one year. I then continued my education at Tennessee Tech. I planned to teach high school math and science and also to preach the Gospel. We (Judy and I were married September 1, 1962) then moved to Carthage church of Christ for my first full-time work. While we were at Carthage we became acquainted with Bro. Malcolm Hill. I knew of the night school he began in 1978. I had little contact with the school until the early 80’s. When Bro. Hill asked me to do part-time work at Tennessee Bible College I taught a class (classes) each quarter. I was preaching full-time at the Bybee Branch church of Christ in McMinnville, Tennessee.

Bro. Hill continued to get me to come and work full-time with the college. I began working at TBC on September 1, 1985. Bro. Hill was very persistent and very hard to refuse. I loved and respected him for his love of the truth and his efforts to train gospel preachers. I have enjoyed over 40 years at TBC as of the present time. I served as Vice President under bro. Hill (President) for several years. Bro. Malcolm Hill gave his all to ensure the spiritual and financial success of the school. He preached and worked as an elder with the Northeast church of Christ in Cookeville, TN. Northeast has been a major supporter of the college. That support is the main out reach (mission work) of that good church until this day.

Glenn B. Ramsey, Professor of Religious Education

Bro. Malcom and Sis. Billie were always our dear friends and supporters in all ways. Bro. Hill secured the services of many faithful men (all of them gospel preachers) to establish and maintain the college. Bro. Hill always said that no deserving student would be turned away from lack of money. He practiced what he preached in this area. He was always positive that God would bless the work as long as it was faithful to Him. Such continues to be the case.
When Bro. Malcolm was unable to continue the word due to failing health, Bro. David Hill (Bro. Malcolm’s son) became president of the college.

I have often said that Bro. David had all of the good qualities of both his Father and his Mother. He has demonstrated this for many years. I cannot say enough about the work that David and his wife Lisa continue to do for the Kingdom of Christ both with the church and with the College.

Time would fail me to discuss the tremendous impact that Bro. Malcolm and Bro. David have had on the work of the church both in this country and around the world.

Our blessed Lord did what Bro. Malcolm Hill believed He would do. He has blessed Tennessee Bible College and continues to do so. The hundreds of students who have gone through the college doors continue to glorify God with their work in the Kingdom, both in this country and throughout the world.

To God be the glory both now and forever. Amen.

-Glenn B. Ramsey, Professor of Religious Education 

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