A new face was in Tennessee Bible College’s recent Renew lectureship audience – that of Ghana native Richmond Gyamfi.
But he’s no stranger to TBC.
Gyamfi, who preaches at East Hartford church of Christ in Connecticut, is pursuing a Master of Theology through TBC’s online college. When he learned about the lectureship, he was so motivated by the theme, “Things No Man Can Destroy,” that he decided to make the trip to Tennessee.
He’s glad he did.
“Thanks be to God that it exceeded my expectations in many ways,” he said. “The Word of God was preached, and the truth was proclaimed.”
He noted the timeliness of the theme.
“From a carnal perspective, sin and the devil are winning,” he said. “But in such a time as this, the Word of God must be spoken, and our faith must be renewed. I thought to myself, ‘This is a theme that will bring spiritual renewal to the many leaders and Christians who are confused and dwindling in faith.’ It is an assurance that God is in control. Many can look at what is going on in the world and ask questions about the survival of the church, the Word of God, family, etc. But God is faithful, and His words are true. There are things that no man can destroy.”
For Gyamfi, the lectureship had served its purpose.
“I was energized to go back to contend for the faith of Christ in my congregation,” he said. “The joy in my heart when I was heading back home was overwhelming.”
Gyamfi has preached at the Hartford congregation, which is composed mostly of Ghanaian immigrants, for seven years. He is also a professor of mathematics at Goodwin University in East Hartford. He was converted as a teenager in 2005.
“Since that time, I have not looked back, and the passion of soul winning led me to become a preacher of the Gospel,” he said.
Gyamfi moved to the U.S. in 2012 but returns to Ghana every other year for mission work. His wife, Roberta, whom he married in December 2021, is currently in Ghana.
TBC’s lectureship left Gyamfi desiring more lessons on “Things No Man Can Destroy” – and he won’t be disappointed. TBC President David Hill said next year’s Renew will feature a part two on the theme. A book is in the plans as well.
“Many expressed their interest in the challenging program and the strength in which each lesson was presented,” Hill said. “Each speaker did a remarkable job, and I’m thankful for them, their time committed to being here with us and their scholarship.”
-Amy Davis, TBC Correspondent