One Gospel Minute

Dec 31, 2024


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As the great old hymn says, “I am resolved no longer to linger, charmed by the world’s delights.” This commitment requires a lifetime of dedication and the guidance of a loving God. Jesus emphasized the eternal reward of such faithfulness: heaven, a prepared place for prepared people (Revelation 22:14). Whether starting your journey by obeying the Gospel or striving to grow as a Christian, resolve to be the best you can be for God.


Read about this subject
  • Scripture: Revelation 22:14


    David Hill: As the old year fades to a new one, many reflect on the year passing and make plans or resolutions for the new year. Got a minute? I’m David Hill with a suggestion: Resolve to follow God wherever He and His Word leads. Can you do it? I’m sure you can if you set your heart to do it. The great old hymn says: “I am resolved no longer to linger charmed by the world’s delight.” It’s not easy to do. It’ll take a lifetime of commitment and much loving care from a loving Father, God. Jesus said it’s worth everything (Revelation 22:14): “Blessed are they that do His commandments, that they may have a right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.” That’s heaven. It’s been said: Heaven is a prepared place for prepared people. No one will get there by accident—it takes resolve and dedication. Resolve to do better. How about being the best you can be? Resolve to be a Christian and do it! Obey the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If you’re a Christian, then resolve to be the very best one you can be.

    Thank you for listening to One Gospel Minute, stay in touch with our podcast on our website and on Apple, Spotify, YouTube, or wherever fine podcasts are distributed. Tennessee Bible College providing Christian education since 1975 in Cookeville, Tennessee, offers undergraduate and graduate programs. Study at your level.

    Don’t you want to go to heaven when you die?