
Vessel Unto Honor

Vessel Unto Honor

The people of God are called out [church] from the world, sanctified, separated unto God by faith. This is to be holy, called out from impurity to purity in Christ. We are to be vessels in a “great house” for service unto God (II Tim. 2:20-21). “A vessel unto honor”...



In the Bible, the Jubilee is a year of celebration, rest, and liberation that comes every fifty years. Debts were forgiven, slaves were freed, people were allowed to return to their own property. It occurred every fifty years (Leviticus 25:8ff). This year of...

Inspecting Fruit

Inspecting Fruit

Legendary preacher brother Marshall Keeble said, “I’m not the judge, I’m just a fruit inspector.” He had tremendous talent-provoking thought. To have fruit a seed must be sown. Jesus used this subject (Luke 8), teaching the seed to be the word of God (v. 11), and if...

RENEW 2025

RENEW 2025

RENEW 2025 is coming up on February 22-23! This annual event began in 1980 and was originally held in February before being moved to the first week of May for several years. It has since returned to its original timing, continuing its mission to reach the lost and...

Vision Problems on the Rise in America

Vision Problems on the Rise in America

“We were poor, but we didn’t know we were poor.” Most people who say this grew up in the Great Depression. They didn’t realize they were poor because everyone around them was poor. There was no contrast. They didn’t compare themselves with each other like we do today....



Jesus said the first and great commandment is to love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength (Mark 12:30). In the start of a new year, many think of firsts. The first of all things was God, and He is worthy of being first in your life. C.E.W. Dorris said:...

Where Are They?

Where Are They?

They’re everywhere—at restaurants, in schools, at work, in families and even in churches. They’re the same kind of people Jesus asked about in a story that needs to be read more often: “Now it happened as He went to Jerusalem that He passed through the midst of...



The word “reject” means (1) to refuse to acknowledge or submit to, (2) to refuse to take or accept, (3) to refuse to consider, (4) to throw out as useless or unsatisfactory. It is unpleasant to think of being rejected. Consider some, in the Bible, who were rejected....

My Story About Tennessee Bible College

My Story About Tennessee Bible College

When I was a high school student at Baxter Seminary (now Upperman High School) I had already been preaching for five years. Knowing that I needed Bible training I attended Freed Hardeman College (now University) for one year. I then continued my education at Tennessee...
