TBC After Dark
Reformation History

About This Course

Explore the Protestant Reformation, a pivotal moment in church history that began over 500 years ago. This course will examine key figures such as Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Wesley, and others who shaped this movement. Delve into the influential doctrines that emerged during this period and critically compare them to the teachings of the Bible.

Join us for this engaging course led by Jason Gann, running from January 6th to March 17th. Sessions will take place every Monday evening from 6:00 to 7:00 PM CST in TBC’s Worley Room.

Register Now For Non-Credit

This course is offered on campus only. This form is for those that are not currently enrolled as a student and would like to take a non-credit.

If you are a TBC student, make sure to register for this course, H201 Reformation History, along with your other courses during the registration weeks.

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