As I sit at my desk on this day, I reflect about the blessings that we have to spread the Word of God. It is indeed always a great honor to spread the Word of God.  It is truly a blessing to know that God has blessed us as Christians with this opportunity to spread forth the light of God’s Glorious Gospel.  God blesses us as Christians with an opportunity to study God’s Word, edify each other, and worship the Heavenly Father in spirit and in truth.  This is what God commands.  After all, God still says in John 4:24, “God is a Spirit:  and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.”  Truly, the Lord has blessed us.
I believe that the providence of God is at work in many ways in the lives of His people.  Let us all therefore determine that we are going to be the light of the world that God wants us to be.  John 1:9 says about Jesus, “That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.”  As the moon reflects the light of the sun, let us therefore reflect the Light of Jesus.  This is how we are lights unto the world, and this is what God wants us to be, because Jesus said in Matthew 5:14, “Ye are the light of the world.”
In shining forth as lights unto the world, we act as couriers.  A courier is a messenger.  We are to commit unto each other the Good News of Christ.  We are to communicate information about how we are to carry out His will.  I am thankful to do this verbally and in writing through the printed page as well as via the “Ring Out the Message” website.
Now everyone would agree, that “2 + 2 = 4.”  Let us also agree that, “Opportunity + Ability = Responsibility.”  Truly, where an avenue to do good meets with the talent whereby God has blessed us, then we are accountable to carry out His will.  James 2:14 says, “Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.”
As children of God, the Lord has laid before us opportunities to serve Him with reverence and godly fear.  The Lord has blessed me and He has blessed you with these opportunities and so each day that we work to carry out His will, we are reflecting the Son.  We are reflecting not that physical ball of fire that we see in the sky, but rather the precious Son of God, who is on His Throne and everywhere.  Let us therefore remember the task before us to help the church to always be the “pillar and the ground of the truth,” as I Timothy 3:15 teaches.  Let us always show forth the light of God’s Word in both our words and our examples.  James 1:22 says, “But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.”  Let us do as Acts 1:1 says that Jesus did.  Acts 1:1 says, “The former treatise have I made, O Theophilus, of all that Jesus began both to do and teach.”  Jesus not only taught, but He did what He taught.
Let us work together to help the congregation of which we are a member to grow and prosper.  Let us work in cooperation with our brothers and sisters throughout the world in helping the churches of Christ grow and prosper.  Let us work to go to Heaven!
-Jason Gann, TBC Online Instructor