My Story About Tennessee Bible College

My Story About Tennessee Bible College

When I was a high school student at Baxter Seminary (now Upperman High School) I had already been preaching for five years. Knowing that I needed Bible training I attended Freed Hardeman College (now University) for one year. I then continued my education at Tennessee...
Why Are Churches in Cities Not Growing?

Why Are Churches in Cities Not Growing?

There is a basic difference between churches in rural areas in America and churches in cities. In many cases, the churches in cities are in areas that are seeing growth, and sometimes massive growth, in population. Almost all rural churches have stagnant or even...
Loved For Reward

Loved For Reward

Loved For Reward Hosea’s wife, Gomer, mirrored Israel’s unfaithfulness to God. They pursued idolatry and false teachers for selfish reasons. Jesus noted the church at Ephesus also abandoned their first love. The church, as Christ’s bride, should love...
The Christian Veteran

The Christian Veteran

Comparative to all military matters throughout time on earth and in heaven, earthly military forces are physical and temporal, while the heavenly military forces are spiritual and eternal.  For example, the United States has historically, militarily, and officially...