Who Will You Listen To?

Who Will You Listen To?

Who Will You Listen To? God instructs us to listen to His Son, Jesus, through the Gospel and the Bible, especially the New Testament. This guidance, often ignored, holds the key to saving the world and eliminating violence, lying, corruption, and immorality. Are you...
How Do We Know the Bible Came From God?

How Do We Know the Bible Came From God?

I have never asked anyone to just accept the Bible because man said it came from God. It is always good to test a thing. It is good to test the Bible with reference to its origin. In fact, the Bible encourages investigation in all matters (I Thess. 5:21). First, the...
Everybody Wants to go to Heaven…

Everybody Wants to go to Heaven…

…Few are Willing to Try A lot of claims are made about serving God, but not all of them are based in truth. Many profess faith, but how many of those actually practice what they preach? How many professing Christ actually keep His commandments? (John 14:15)....
Exciting Times at Tennessee Bible College

Exciting Times at Tennessee Bible College

The Academic Year of 2024-25 is almost here for Tennessee Bible College, and we are excited!  The academic year arrives with the Fall Quarter, which is set to begin on September 9.  Preparations are already underway for this new quarter, and exciting things are ahead...
World’s Most Famous Thief

World’s Most Famous Thief

Some will know the names Frank and Jessie James, maybe John Dillinger, but most thieves are not remembered very long. One will be remembered and is by far the most famous thief in history (Luke 23:39-43). The thief on the cross next to Jesus has been known through the...