How Will it All End

How Will it All End

God already knows. He has always known. Men worry and guess and boast about how things will turn out, but God knows. God declares “the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that are not yet done” (Isa. 46:10). God knows the future. He doesn’t have to...
The Lord Shall Rule

The Lord Shall Rule

The living God of heaven and earth and all things has always designed and desired a way by which He could rule mankind in righteousness (Judg. 8:23). Where problems enter is not God’s design, but man’s unwillingness to follow. God created men, women, boys and girls...
Glimpse of Glory

Glimpse of Glory

“Heaven will surely be worth it all,” we often sing lifting heart and soul above the fray of burdens, toils, and cares of this world. Songs most requested in my experience of leading singing have been those beautiful hymns of heaven and home. The Bible gives few...


Repentance Scriptures emphasize the importance of repentance for salvation. It’s a challenge to inspire this change, but by preaching God’s benevolence and strictness, we can guide people. God’s goodness should be enough to make us obey, and His...