“I’m here to encourage you. I’m here to build you up. I’m here to challenge you a little bit.”
And so began a lesson by Tennessee Bible College Vice President Kerry Duke at the 26th annual Northern New England Lectures, which took place Oct. 8-10 at Lakes Region Church of Christ in Tilton, New Hampshire. The theme was “The Lives of Elijah and Elisha.”
Duke, who attended along with TBC President David Hill, was one of six speakers in the lectureship. His lessons were “The Lord, He is God!” (1 Kings 18:1-40) and “Elisha Succeeds Elijah” (2 Kings 2:1-25).
“The theme this year could not be more timely,” Duke said. “It was on the life, character and work of the prophet Elijah, who lived in some very hard times in the nation of Israel. We need the same boldness and courage that Elijah had.”
Neither Duke nor Hill are newcomers to the lectureship series. This visit was the latest in several over the past two decades in a continuing effort to offer encouragement to the Lakes Region Church of Christ as well as other congregations in the Northeast.
“We look forward to being with those brethren, and I always enjoy getting to visit with the churches up there,” Hill said. “We’ve been building a relationship over the years. It’s been very rewarding for us.”
The Northern New England Lectures take place each fall in conjunction with the colorful leaf-changing season.
“It’s a beautiful time to be there, very picturesque territory,” Hill said. “We’ve enjoyed being their guests.”
Hill said TBC’s mission work in the Northeast was sparked originally by Forest Park Church of Christ in Atlanta, Ga.
“They wanted to know about stateside missions and places that needed help,” he said. “Our president at the time, Malcolm Hill, said he wanted to be a part in helping, as he called it, ‘The Great Northeast.’ So we surveyed and visited many congregations in the New England area. As a result, we have made many friends.”
One of the elders at Lakes Region Church of Christ, Dan King, also happens to be a TBC student through the online college.
“That’s another benefit that has come through our relationship with the New England area over time,” Hill said. “We have gone to be a resource and, as a result, we’ve been privileged to have had some who have become students and work with us and even graduate from our programs. So, it’s been a great opportunity and a great relationship.”
To view the lectures from the 26th annual Northern New England Lectures, visit www.lakesregioncoc.com/2021-lectureship.
For more information about Tennessee Bible College, call 931-526-2616 or visit www.tn-biblecollege.edu.
-Amy Davis, TBC Correspondent