Meet Brandi Gann
Degree Sought: Bachelor of Religious Education
Brandi is married to Jason Gann, TBC’s Registrar and minister at Campaign church of Christ in Campaign, TN. Jason also teaches online courses for Tennessee Bible College. Brandi and Jason have five children, “Little” Shirley who is 6 years old, Jase, who is almost 5 years old, Allie who is 3 years old, Sesley who is 2 years old, and Graceley who is one year old.
Share with us a little more about your educational background and work experience.
I hold an Associate of Arts degree in History from Motlow State Community College (2003), a Certificate of Completion (equivalent to an Associate degree) in Criminal Justice, from Tennessee Tech University (2005), a Bachelors of Science degree in Psychology from Tennessee Tech University (2006), a Master of Arts degree in Mental Health Counseling from Tennessee Tech University (2008), and a Diploma in Biblical Teaching from Tennessee Bible College (2019). I am currently working towards my Bachelors in Religious Education degree from Tennessee Bible College via the online program that they offer.
I had a career as a Mental Health Therapist for several years until I quit my job in 2014 due to my eldest child being born. I happily chose to be a stay at home mother for her instead of keeping my career. Six years have passed, and I am still happy to be staying at home with all five of my children. I hope to return to my career as a therapist one day after all of my children begin to attend school.
I enjoy being a stay-at-home mother and preacher’s wife very much. I feel like I can have the best impact on the lives of my children as well as others by fulfilling these roles. I try to be the best Christian I can be. I learn something new about the Bible every day from my own personal Bible studies as well as the daily Bible devotionals that my husband and I have had every day of our marriage. I give God all the credit and glory for all of the blessings and opportunities He has given me.
Brandi is an accomplished Christian author and has several on-going projects to share God’s Word with others. Do you have any current projects you are working on? Any new books in the making?
I love writing, and I love spreading God’s Word! I enjoy using my love of writing to teach others about the Bible and how to become and remain faithful Christians! I host a Bible-based blog for women called the “Blessing of Heaven” blog. In it I post articles on various subjects geared toward women regarding living a faithful Christian life.
I am also the author of three books. My first book, Facing Life’s Challenges With God’s Help is about the most common issues my clients came to me about when I was a practicing therapist, and how I used the Bible to help guide my clients toward finding a solution to their problems. My second book is entitled Blessing of Heaven: How to Live the Best Christian Life. This book is a compilation of several articles that I have posted on my Blessing of Heaven blog in the past, and the articles cover a wide range of subjects. My third book, A Quiver Full of Arrows: Accepting the Blessing of Children, discusses how children are a blessing from God, and the world should see children as such, rather than a burden. All three of these books are geared toward women.
I am also in the early stages of writing another book! This book will give an in-depth focus on the relationship between our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and how we can use the Bible to change and improve negative thought patterns so that our feelings and behaviors will improve as well. In it I will discuss various issues that a person can have with his or her thoughts, and how these problematic thoughts will affect a person’s feelings, behaviors, and actions. I plan to discuss what God says through the Bible about how we should think, feel, and act, as well as give discussion questions at the end of each chapter to help readers assess themselves regarding the specific subject matter in each chapter.
To learn more, check out TBC’s Bachelor of Religious Education Program.