Meet Mark Mitchell

Mark previously completed the Master of Theology Degree with Tennessee Bible College and is now currently working on his dissertation for the Doctor of Theology Degree. He understands the opportunity that Christian education provides and is aiming high!

Degree Sought: Doctor of Theology Degree

Share with us your background and how you came to be a student with Tennessee Bible College.

It was a number of years ago after I had finished my MA in Industrial/Organization psychology and a number of graduate level courses in sociology that an opportunity to teach religion courses became available to me.  I began thinking about where to take religion courses where they taught what was in the Scripture, but left out their own opinion and ideas.  I have always believed that was more of indoctrination and propaganda than true education.  I did come across TBC and investigated it a bit more and found their overall goal was education.  As I continued to take more classes it became clear the educational perspective being promoted was not to teach you what to think, but how to think and question for yourself.

What has been your favorite class/course?

That is a difficult question to answer!  I like a variety of courses and especially those with facts and details.  I am able to develop my own thoughts and of course correct them if I am wrong.  I appreciated TBC’s instructors cultivating the idea for students to think for themselves.   The most difficult courses were Hebrew and Greek, but with time and practice I was able to get through them.   Courses that were difficult and made me work were ones that were ultimately the most rewarding.  The coursework often involved many reading materials and time to digest them properly at a level that was above some of my other studies at public universities.  Two courses that I personally had an interest in and enjoyed were the ones on the problem of evil and a critique of atheism and agnosticism.

How has TBC impacted your personal life and career?

TBC has aided me in trying to think more deeply about what the Scriptures actually teach and not what you thought or have been taught to think about them.  I realize that eventually my studies will come to an end, but that is the point where another form of learning truly begins.   Life outside the classroom is really what the Christian is preparing to do.  I believe it was Tolbert Fanning who really practiced this principle.  He had a strict schedule of study combined with active work.  My education from TBC and personal study will be the most beneficial if I adopt a similar outlook.  There is a time for reading and study combined with a time to use classroom learning in the practical application in helping others when opportunities present themselves.  The current state of affairs in our world desperately needs the teachings of Jesus.   I think instructors can have a personal impact on a student and I can say this happened for me while taking courses at TBC.

To learn more, check out TBC’s Graduate Program.