In any subject, the study of history provides lessons and warnings. This fact is especially true in church history. Courses in church history trace the entire history of the New Testament church: its origin in Acts 2, early departures, Catholic domination in the Medieval period, Protestant beginnings and key figures, the Restoration movement, and recent issues in the church. Events in church history are weighed in light of Scripture and practical current application is stressed in each of these courses. We believe that two thousand years of such history offers valuable material and penetrating insights.
We also realize that the setting of the Bible is in some ways unfamiliar to modern readers. Courses in Bible geography and customs in Bible times help bridge this gap, enabling students to relate better to the original readers of Scripture.
View our History courses below, or browse our full course catalogs.
History Course Descriptions
H200 Early and Medieval Church History – This course provides an overview of major doctrinal conflicts and developments between the establishment of the church and the Reformation Movement.
H201 Reformation History – This course involves a study of the outstanding Reformation leaders and the principles they advocated.
H202 Restoration History – Restoration leaders and principles are studied.
H203 Selected Readings in Church History – Directed reading, study, and research in church history with the primary emphasis on meeting the needs of the individual student. Prerequisite: H201, H202, or consent of the instructor.
H215 Lands of the Bible – A historical study of the geographical areas of the Ancient Near East and the Mediterranean Sea in the Biblical period.
H216 Bible Customs – This is a study in the habits and doings of the people in Bible times. A study is made from statements in the Scriptures. This course helps one to know what was done, and why it was done.
H315 History of Alleged Conflicts Between Science and Religion – An examination of various conflicts
that have arisen through the centuries between natural sciences and religion.
H415 History of the English Bible – This course will offer an examination of the textual history, transmission, and translation of the Word of God. The more notable English translations will also be evaluated during this study.