Free Courses

Bible-Centered Education Accessed for Free

Tennessee Bible College offers tuition-free online courses. These free courses are taught by highly trained Christian educators with years of experience. All courses are non-credit. You can register for a free course any time. 

graphic of a cross in the clouds with the words "Jesus, son of God"

The Bible shows a divine and human side of Jesus. This course covers the nature of Jesus’s deity, proof He’s the Son of God, and a defense of His deity.

picture of a cross in the clouds with the words "Jesus, el hijo de dios"
Nos presenta las dos naturalezas de Cristo: la divina y la humana.
picture of someones hands turning pages in the Bible with the words "elders in every church"
Using J. W. McGarvey’s book on the subject, this course examines the office, work and qualifications of elders.
627 Alleged Discrepancies of the Bible image

Countless articles and books will discuss this question for generations to come. Instead of looking at America’s history through legal, political, or social glasses, this course focuses on the divine perspective of God in the Bible.