Christians and Christmas

Christians and Christmas

As for our national holiday of Christmas, no one knows Jesus was born on December 25.

Who’s Watching

Who’s Watching

Algorithms can track our behavior, but no computer program can analyze the soul.

The Christian Veteran

The Christian Veteran

Happy Veterans Day! Earthly military forces are physical and temporal, while the heavenly military forces are spiritual and eternal.

Churches in Decline

Churches in Decline

His kingdom will stand forever (Dan. 2:44; Matt. 16:18). In that we should rejoice without ceasing.

Feeling the Tension?

Feeling the Tension?

Whatever happens in the government, however the economy fares, or whoever is in power, the victory will be ours if we put our faith in Him.

A Peril of Preaching

A Peril of Preaching

It is a peril of preaching the Truth, but the blessing of God comes by preaching it anyway.

Cheers to the Devil

Cheers to the Devil

Drinking is becoming more accepted in society and in the church.