Preaching From the Overflow

Preaching From the Overflow

Preaching From the Overflow   In this special episode of My God and My Neighbor, we feature a powerful lesson from Glenn Ramsey, who has preached the gospel for 70 years and taught at Tennessee Bible College for 45. Speaking at TBC’s 50th Annual Lectureship,...
Praying for a Quiet and Peaceable Life

Praying for a Quiet and Peaceable Life

In the fourth part of our study on praying, we are continuing to look at I Timothy 2:1-2. In part 1, in an articled, titled, “God Wants Us to Pray,” we noticed that God wants us to pray and that there are different facets of prayer.  In part 2, in an article titled,...


Longsuffering is defined as: “having or showing patience in spite of troubles, esp. those caused by other people” (New Oxford American Dictionary). In his explanation of the words that are translated “longsuffering” in the Scriptures, W. E. Vine lists as synonyms...
Seek and You Shall Find

Seek and You Shall Find

Seek and You Shall Find   God blesses, but we must seek those blessings. God will do His part if we do ours. The Creator put mankind here “so that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each...
Jesus Never Said Anything About It?

Jesus Never Said Anything About It?

I was talking with a woman who was a minister in a progressive denomination. She said, “We don’t get involved in controversy; we preach to unite people.” I wanted to see how far she would go with this thinking, so I asked her about same-sex relationships....