The Purpose of Worship

The Purpose of Worship

The worship assembly is not a place for skits and drama performances. It is not a place for instruments of music and entertainment. It is not a place for the preacher to clown around and make funny noises. It is not a place for clowns and buffoons. The worship...


The words zeal, zealous, and zealously appear numerous times in both Old and New Testaments. The word zeal is defined as “great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or an objective” (New Oxford American Dictionary). The World Book Dictionary defines it as “eager...
Are You Ready To Die?

Are You Ready To Die?

People act strange and make certain choices which cannot be explained in a sensible, logical way. We all know we are going to die but some seem to think it is not their time to go. In fact, it is never their time to leave this old world. They say there is life beyond...
Don’t Poke the Bear

Don’t Poke the Bear

There are several black bear hides in my living room, since I much enjoy hunting the species. I’ve never had a bear come after me; nor have I ever tried to irritate one. In fact, when hunting, my preference is that the bear not know I’m there. We’ve all heard the...