The Purpose of Worship

The Purpose of Worship

The worship assembly is not a place for skits and drama performances. It is not a place for instruments of music and entertainment. It is not a place for the preacher to clown around and make funny noises. It is not a place for clowns and buffoons. The worship...
Beginning of the Church of Christ

Beginning of the Church of Christ

The church of Christ started on the first Pentecost day after the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Everything in the Bible before this Pentecost day pointed ahead and everything after this Pentecost day pointed back to the church.  In other words, everything before the...
The Lord’s Church

The Lord’s Church

The Lord’s Church   When He promised to build His church, what name do you think should be on it? Some argue that a name holds no significance. According to Jesus, “Upon this rock, I will build my church,” Matthew 16:18. Whose church? The scripture...
Jesus and Fellowship

Jesus and Fellowship

Jesus ate with sinners at times (Matt. 9:11).  Jesus fed thousands and ate with them (Mark 6:37-43).  Jesus preached in the synagogue (Matt. 4:23).  Jesus permitted Judas to work with Him during His personal ministry knowing he was a devil (John 6:64, 70).  Jesus...