About This Course
“If a man desires the office of a bishop, he desires a good work” (I Tim. 3:1).
The work of elders is one of the most important aspects of a congregation. It is also one of the most overlooked areas of Christian education. Years ago N. B. Hardeman observed that we tend to give training to preachers but we fail to train elders. He feared that there would be problems in the churches because of this. This course on the eldership can help to fill that void. It is designed both to train men to be elders and to help those who already serve in this position.
You can register for this course any time.
What You Will Learn
We will draw from three areas as we discuss this office:
1. The Scriptures. We will examine important passages that teach us about the work, the qualifications, the authority, and the challenges of elders.
2. Experience. We will hear from men who have served for years as elders in the church. They bring tremendous wisdom to the table.
3.Writing. Some very helpful books have been written on this subject. One is the classic work by J. W. McGarvey. Each week there will be a reading assignment and questions from this book.
Whether you are preparing to be an elder or would like to take this course as continuing education as one who serves in this office, you will find this study to be helpful.
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This is a non-credit course.