Doctor of Theology Requirements and Courses

Degree Requirements

Doctor of Theology
  1. If you are applying to the Th.D. program, you must have a Master’s degree in Bible or Theology. You may also need to take the prerequisite courses for the M.Th. degree, plus other courses. As with leveling courses for the Master’s program, we will consider each case to determine any exceptions or additions. The Th.D. program is a specialized degree in Christian Doctrine and Apologetics and covers a wide range of topics. A good foundation and some advanced knowledge in these areas is essential.
  2. Complete 87 quarter hours of study above the Master of Theology level, as follows: the 12 courses in the core curriculum (36 hours); 5 elective courses (15 hours); the dissertation (36 hours). Application to transfer graduate credit from other institutions may be made to the Graduate Committee.
  3. Demonstrate knowledge of Old Testament Hebrew and New Testament Greek. This requirement may be satisfied by completing a three quarter sequence of undergraduate level courses in Hebrew and Greek and completing graduate courses 525 and 531 with a grade of “B” or above on both courses.
  4. Pass a preliminary examination. This examination may be written, oral, or both. At the discretion of the Graduate Committee, the exam has the purpose of testing the student in regard to his grasp of the broad field of Christian Doctrine and Apologetics. The examination helps to assess the student’s ability to teach and defend Christian doctrine. The examination also helps the Graduate Committee to decide as to the fitness of the student to undertake writing a dissertation of this field.
  5. Be admitted to candidacy for the Th.D. Candidacy status is extended after satisfactory completion of all course work, all language requirements, and after passing the preliminary examination.
  6. Write the doctoral dissertation according to the guidelines given below.
  7. All requirements for the Th.D. degree must be completed within seven years of the date of entry into the doctoral program. Application may be made to the Graduate Committee for an extension of time.
Core Curriculum for the Doctor of Theology Degree

The following courses are required of each student for the Doctor of Theology degree:

600 Critique of Atheism and Agnosticism

602 The Bible and the Canon

606 Creation Versus Evolution

608 Biblical Doctrine of Prophecy

610 The Problem of Evil

611 Biblical Doctrine of Ethics

619 The Bible and Denominational Doctrines

623 Islam and Other World Religions

627 Alleged Discrepancies of the Bible

632 Interpreting the English Bible

660 Literature of the Restoration Movement

704 Polemics in Christian Doctrine and Apologetics

Course Descriptions

(Each course is three quarter hours except 799)

600 Critique of Atheism and Agnosticism – A critical examination of the arguments advanced by atheists and agnostics.

602 The Bible and the Canon – A study of how the sixty-six books of the Bible came to be recognized as comprising the inspired Word of God.

604 Advanced Textual Studies of the Old Testament – Verse-by-verse study of selected chapters from various books of the Old Testament.

605 Advanced Textual Studies of the New Testament – Careful study of selected New Testament passages.

606 Creation Versus Evolution – An examination of the Bible doctrine of creation as opposed to the theory of evolution.

607 The All-Sufficiency of the Bible – An in-depth study of the qualities of the Bible that show its completeness and prove its inspiration.

608 Biblical Doctrine of Prophecy – A study of prophecies made and fulfilled as proof of the Christian faith.

610 The Problem of Evil – A critical analysis of the so-called “Problem of Evil.” This course responds to atheistic use of this problem, reviews major theodicies, and appeals to relevant Biblical themes.

611 Biblical Doctrine of Ethics – An analysis of the Bible as the unerring guide for making moral choices about what is right and wrong.

616 The Apologetic Value of Bible Miracles – A study of how the Bible uses miracles as proof of the truth of the Christian faith.

619 The Bible and Denominational Doctrines – Doctrines of major groups including Baptist, Episcopal, Lutheran, Methodist, Pentecostal, and Presbyterian.

623 Islam and Other World Religions – An examination of the origins, beliefs, and practices of Islam and other major world religions.

624 Christian Faith and the Philosophy of Science – An analysis of the assumptions, limitations, and methods of natural science with a view to the relationship between such matters and Christian apologetics.

627 Alleged Discrepancies of the Bible – An extensive study of charges made by some that the Bible contains contradictions.

632 Interpreting the English Bible – A study of sound principles and useful aids that are helpful in reading the Bible with understanding, including some matters of grammar.

637 Christian Journalism – A study of effective writing for publication from religious newswriting to formal research writing.

640 God in Literature – Various ideas about God expressed in American, English, and World literature.

650 Special Problems in the Mission Field – An extensive course in practical and doctrinal problems encountered in missions.

660 Literature of the Restoration Movement – This course provides an opportunity for extensive reading in some of the best works of the movement to restore New Testament Christianity.

700 Special Problems – A course in which the student writes research papers on three topics.

702 Seminar in Apologetics – One specific problem in apologetics will be critically analyzed in depth by each student.

704 Polemics in Christian Doctrine and Apologetics – Each student prepares a debate notebook on a particular topic in order to engage in a debate on that topic.

799 Doctoral Research and Dissertation – Credit: 36 hours.