Degree Requirements
Master of Theology
To graduate with the Master of Theology degree, a student must:
- Hold an acceptable baccalaureate degree.
- Take leveling classes if needed. If your undergraduate degree is in a field other than Bible and Theology, you will be required to take the following courses if you have not taken them:
A300 Modern Philosophy
A309 Inspiration of the Bible
A451 Existence of God
D109 Hermeneutics
D411 Denominational Doctrines
D412 World Religions
H201 Reformation History
H202 Restoration History
L151 New Testament Greek I
L152 New Testament Greek II
L153 New Testament Greek III
M110 Introduction to Christian Counseling
T121 Pentateuch
T321 Literature of the Prophets I
T112 Life of Christ I
T113 Life of Christ II
T131 Acts
T132 Eph., Phil., Col., & Philemon
This list of prerequisites is a general guide. The M.Th. is a specialized and unique degree that builds on knowledge acquired on the undergraduate level. That is why we will work with you individually. We will weigh each student’s background, knowledge, and goals to make the best use of foundational undergraduate courses without unnecessarily delaying entrance into the graduate program.
- Complete a minimum of three quarters of study in the Graduate School. Up to six quarter hours may be transferred from another institution toward the Master’s degree, if approved by the Graduate Committee.
- Complete 48 quarter hours, as follows: The eight core curriculum courses (24 hours); four elective courses (12 hours); thesis or non-thesis option (12 hours).
- Maintain a “B” average.
- Write the Master’s thesis according to the guidelines given below or complete an approved non-thesis option.
- Complete requirements for the degree within seven years after entering the Master of Theology program at Tennessee Bible College.
Non-Thesis Option for Master of Theology
Graduate students in the M.Th. program may choose approved projects in lieu of a master’s thesis. These projects may be one of the following:
- A student may take 12 hours of Hebrew (L261, L262, L263).
- A student may complete two supervised projects worth six credit hours each. These projects must be approved by the graduate committee and pursued under a guiding professor. See How to Pursue A Non-Thesis Option for details and ideas.
- A student may take a combination of approved coursework totaling six hours (524 and 508 or L361 and L362) and one supervised project worth six hours.
How to Pursue a Non-Thesis Option
- Do not begin writing a project until you have written approval from the graduate committee.
- Submit your proposal in writing to the graduate committee as soon as possible after entering the Master’s program. Remember that there are three ways of doing the non-thesis option, so indicate the approach.
- If your project ideas need to be changed or revised, the graduate committee will inform you. If your proposal is approved, you will be assigned a guiding professor.
- When you receive written approval of your proposal, your guiding professor will begin working with you.
- What are some ideas for non-thesis projects? If you choose to take the approved classes for the non-thesis option (L261, L262, L263), the requirement is simply to complete those courses. If you choose to do two projects or one project and two approved classes (524 and 508 or L361 and L362), here are some project possibilities: a. special research in biblical areas. a case regarding an issue in apologetics. a historical work about a belief, church, or movement. a practical study of works, problems, and issues in church work, missions, family life or culture in general.
Core Curriculum for the Master of Theology Degree
The following courses are required of each student for the Master of Theology degree:
502 Existence and Biblical Doctrine of God
503 Advanced Inspiration of the Bible
510 Advanced Hermeneutics
511 History of Theology
512 Contemporary Issues
522 Biblical Doctrine of Last Things
525 Exegesis of the Greek New Testament (or: 531 Readings in the Hebrew Old Testament)
534 Applied Biblical Counseling
Course Descriptions
(Each course is three quarter hours except 599)
500 Introduction to Graduate Study.
501 The Book of Genesis – Detailed exegesis of the book of Genesis. Special attention is given to the way this book prepares the reader for the rest of the Bible.
502 Existence and Biblical Doctrine of God – A detailed analysis of the arguments that demonstrate the existence of God.
503 Advanced Inspiration of the Bible – Reasons for accepting the Bible as the inspired Word of God are set forth with logical precision.
505, 506, 507 Theological German – Focuses on learning to read the Bible and other religious works in German, with minimum time devoted to listening, speaking, and writing skills. Open to those who have not previously studied German.
508 Advanced Topical Bible Studies – An in-depth study of some major issues that have arisen within the Lord’s church in recent years.
510 Advanced Hermeneutics – An in-depth study of the application of the principles of interpretation to certain crucial problems.
511 History of Theology – A look at the systems of influential major theologians in the Medieval, the Reformation, and the Modern periods.
512 Contemporary Issues – Each age has certain religious issues to appear. These issues have to do with the direction in which the church goes to some degree. With the Bible as the guide, these certain issues and problems are studied. A balanced study of the Truth is given on these issues.
514 The Book of John – Exegesis of the Gospel according to John.
522 Biblical Doctrine of Last Things – Attention will be given to the Biblical view of Death, the Second Coming of Christ, the Resurrection, the Judgment, and Eternity.
523 Jesus Christ as Controversialist – A detailed study of the polemical work of Jesus Christ.
524 Advanced Greek Grammar – An in-depth study of the grammar of the Greek New Testament. Attention is given to specific New Testament passages which exemplify the various grammatical points.
525 Exegesis of the Greek New Testament – Detailed exegesis of selected passages in the Greek New Testament.
531 Advanced Readings in the Hebrew Old Testament – Intensive study of selected passages in the Hebrew Old Testament.
534 Applied Biblical Counseling – Biblical methods of dealing with problems will be identified.
540 Biblical Doctrine of Free Will – An examination of the meaning and nature of free will and a defense of this doctrine against the prominent philosophical, scientific, and theological theories.
598 Non-Thesis Master’s Option – Credit: 12 hours.
599 Master’s Research and Thesis – Credit: 12 hours.