Learn more about our Bachlelor of Religious Education program by viewing our required courses.
A200 Medieval Philosophy
A300 Modern Philosophy
A309 Inspiration of the Bible
A325 Deity of Christ
A352 Deductive Logic
A400 Contemporary Philosophy
A451 Existence of God
A452 Attributes of God
D109 Hermeneutics I
D110 Hermeneutics II
D309 New Testament Church
D401 Topical Bible Studies I
D402 Topical Bible Studies II
D403 Cults
D411 Denominational Doctrines
D412 World Religions
G100 Orientation
G101 English Composition I
G102 English Composition II
G103 English Composition III
G152 Physical Education I
G153 Physical Education II
G201 Spoken English
G211 Literature of the Western World I
G212 Literature of the Western World II
G225 Psychology
G229 Marriage and the Family
G251 Survey of Civilization I
H200 Early & Medieval Church History
H201 Reformation History
H202 Restoration History
H215 Lands of the Bible
H216 Bible Customs
L152 New Testament Greek II
L153 New Testament Greek III
M110 Introduction to Christian Counseling
M200 Personal Evangelism
M230 Preparation & Delivery of Sermons
M435 Church Growth
T101 Introduction to Old Testament
T111 Introduction to New Testament
T112 Life of Christ I
T113 Life of Christ II
T121 Pentateuch
T131 Acts
T132 Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Philemon
T134 Thessalonians
T136 James and Galatians
T222 Hebrew History I
T223 Hebrew History II
T321 Literature of the Prophets I
T322 Literature of the Prophets II
T323 Literature of the Prophets III
T324 Poetical Literature
T325 Wisdom Literature I
T326 Wisdom Literature II
T331 Corinthians
T332 Timothy and Titus
T433 Romans
T435 Hebrews
T440 Peter, John, Jude
T445 Revelation