With Truth Bible Camp nearing, I wanted to take the opportunity to share some of my experiences with new campers, potential campers, and parents who may be wondering what it’s all about.
I was a full-time camper at TBC’s Truth Bible Camp for four summers and have never forgotten or disregarded the lessons I learned or experiences I gained. I’ve served for several years as the overnight counselor for the Full-Time Boy campers, which requires me to stay at camp all night with the boys, assist them after hours with their preparations for the end of the week service, and to accompany them in their evening devotionals and activities. This has given me many opportunities to see a side of Truth Bible Camp that isn’t visible to most.
I have the good fortune of learning from these young men, and watching them put into practice what they learn and experience during the day. Every year I see a group of boys file in on Sunday afternoon who are excited, anxious, and curious about what the week holds. But every evening I watch them grow and develop spiritually and intellectually. Then, at the end of the week, I get to see the fruits of the labor they’ve practiced throughout the week as they happily take the lead and conduct the last service entirely on their own. I see them work through their fear and reservations and transform from boys to young men.
It is a common refrain, but the truth is that each year Truth Bible Camp becomes better and better for both the campers and the Church. It is a huge and rewarding experience for me personally, and I am renewed by their energy and enthusiasm year after year.
I’m thankful for TBC’s staff allowing me to be a part of the camp, but I’m also thankful to the parents who send your young men to learn to work and serve in God’s kingdom. From experience, I know that the lessons they learn and training they gain here have proven to be beneficial to them for the rest of their lives.

Pictured from left to right, Jordan Danner and Rachael Danner. Both have been dedicated to Truth Bible Camp, and we are grateful for their Christian service.
-Jordan Danner, TBC Alumnus & Truth Bible Camp Counselor
Truth Bible Camp registration is available online only with limited spots left. TBC eagerly welcomes young men seeking spiritual growth and leadership training in the Church.
Register here now. Welcome!