Two new courses are “zooming” into Tennessee Bible College for the fall quarter.
The courses—which focus on alleged Bible contradictions and congregational management—will be offered via the online video conferencing platform Zoom starting the week of Sept. 12.
“This is a great opportunity,” TBC Vice President Kerry Duke said. “There will be students from different states and different countries in the classes. The experience of learning about their culture is a priceless education.”
Duke will be teaching the course on alleged Bible contradictions, which will meet Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10-11:30 a.m.
Why is this course being offered?
“One reason is that skeptics and atheists say the Bible cannot be true because it contradicts itself,” Duke said. “This accusation is very old, and the so-called instances of internal contradictions have for the most part been passed down through the centuries. This course is designed to show the basic kinds of alleged discrepancies and the fundamental aspects of Bible interpretation that are necessary to resolve these difficulties.
“Also, sometimes Christians encounter verses that seem on the surface to be contrary to something the Bible says in another place. Patience and study will enable the student to see the amazing harmony of the Bible like never before.”
The course on congregational management, which will meet on Mondays and Wednesdays from 10-11:30 a.m., is being taught by TBC President David Hill and TBC Professor of Religious Education Glenn B. Ramsey, who both have served as elders and preachers for many years.
“Put more simply, this is a course on how to deal with church problems,” Duke said. “It focuses more on the ‘people side’ of church matters.”
Duke noted that churches are “struggling” in this area.
“If you have asked a minister or an elder lately how the congregation is doing, you know this to be true,” he said. “Division and disinterest are common. Many in churches do not know their Bible. There is a lack of leadership in many cases.
“Then there are so many problems in the homes and personal lives of members – family issues, health problems, sexual immorality, drug problems and numerous other troubles. Church leaders are tired and need encouragement and sound biblical advice. This practical course is designed to help these leaders, but it is also for anyone who wants to understand these matters better and assist in resolving these problems.”
Also new this quarter is a “guest pass” for these courses. Anyone interested may call TBC at 931-526-2616 for details.
“Indicate which class you would like to visit – either or both,” Duke said. “When the quarter begins the week of Sept. 12, the school will send you a link and a guest passcode. There is no pressure while you are in the class. You can just listen and learn.”
Registration for the fall quarter is open until the first day of class.
TBC, founded in 1975, is located at 1616 McCulley Road in Cookeville. The college offers a bachelor’s degree in religious education and master’s and doctorate degrees in theology. A two-year diploma is also available. To learn more, visit Tennessee Bible College’s website.
-Amy Davis, TBC Correspondent