Tennessee Bible College is offering a new night course – “Studies in Salvation.”
The class began Jan. 7, but instructor Kerry Duke said the college is still enrolling students. Topics include sin and salvation, baptism, falling from grace and denominational beliefs.
“Too often churches stray from the most important concern of all: the salvation of our souls,” Duke said. “Instead of asking, ‘What must I do to be saved?’ like people in the Bible, they ask ‘What must I do to be successful?’ Sometimes we’re more focused on earthly cares and pleasures than we are on heaven and hell.”
The class will continue to meet on Monday nights through March 11 at 6 p.m. for about an hour and a half. It consists of discussion, debates and lectures.
“Jesus came to the earth and died on the cross because of the sin of mankind,” Duke, who also serves as TBC’s vice president, said. “How can we be saved through Him? That is the question. Our purpose in this class is to cut through the traditions of Catholicism and Protestantism and see the simple message of salvation in the Bible.”
“Studies in Salvation” may be taken on an audit basis for $50 or credit for $150.
Duke said he hopes students will gain a better understanding – “first, of what the Scriptures say about salvation and, second, how man has departed from that teaching.”
Tennessee Bible College, located at 1616 McCulley Road, Cookeville, offers a bachelor’s degree in religious education, master’s and doctorate degrees in theology and a two-year preaching diploma. It is authorized by the Tennessee Higher Education Commission.
For more information or to enroll, call 931-526-2616 or visit www.tn-biblecollege.edu.
-Amy Davis