Glimpse of Glory

Glimpse of Glory

“Heaven will surely be worth it all,” we often sing lifting heart and soul above the fray of burdens, toils, and cares of this world. Songs most requested in my experience of leading singing have been those beautiful hymns of heaven and home. The Bible gives few...
Did Jesus Use Clickbait?

Did Jesus Use Clickbait?

If you’re an avid fisherman, you may think this is about the latest trend in fishing lures. I am behind the times, so someone who is more literate in tech talk than I am had to explain it to me. Before the days of the internet, preachers tried to create ways to get...
Timely Issues in I Timothy

Timely Issues in I Timothy

Timely Issues in I Timothy   How can an old book like the Bible address today’s problems? Spend just a few minutes in the book of First Timothy and you’ll be amazed at how current the Bible is. This epistle deals with issues people discuss every...
Just One Way

Just One Way

Just One Way   Do you have a minute? According to the old hymn, “there is just one way to the pearly gates.” The Bible emphasizes this singular way. Christ Himself prayed for unity among believers (John 17:17-21), urging us to come together. However,...
Golden Rule

Golden Rule

Golden Rule   Jesus Christ emphasized the golden rule of treating others as you want to be treated, a concept central to Christianity. His teachings focus on selflessness and love for others, contrasting with worldly principles of self-exaltation. Embracing His...