The Pure in Heart

The Pure in Heart

In Matthew 5:8, Jesus says, “Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.” In these eleven words, we learn much about those who will go to Heaven and thereby see God. The verse begins with “Blessed.” This word, means “Happy.” This is sometimes referred to as...
Shepherds in the Church

Shepherds in the Church

Most church problems would be solved if elders would do their job.  I am convinced that the preachers are running the church and the elders are doing the work of deacons and the deacons are doing very little and maybe nothing.  There are exceptions to what I have...
Getting Even with Life

Getting Even with Life

Life is not fair. Bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people. Everyone gets frustrated at times and cries out, “I don’t deserve this!” The pain can seem unbearable. The anger can be overwhelming. Our sense of justice urges us to set things...


“Salvation is by grace through faith and therefore cannot include water baptism.  If it did include water baptism, then it would be by works.” Anyone who has read their Bible knows that salvation is by grace through faith.  I have believed and taught this ever since I...
To the LGBTQ Community

To the LGBTQ Community

Among your number are the sincere, the confused, the indoctrinated, the intimidated, the immature, the ill, and the committed crusader. God loves each of you, so much that he sent Jesus to the cross to die for your—and all of our—sins. God wants everyone to be saved...