Change can be good—like when it involves a new theme, new campers, new activities and new facilities at Truth Bible Camp.

Of course, some things will never change.

“Our commitment to our mission, which is ‘to develop a working knowledge of the Word of God in an environment of Christian fellowship,’ remains the same,” Jonathan Huddleston, Camp Director, said of Tennessee Bible College’s annual youth camp scheduled for June 9-13. “We will continue to provide sound biblical teaching from experienced instructors.”

Registration is open for day camp (ages 9-11) and full-time camp (ages 12-18), and the cost is $30.

Regarding what’s new, TBC Vice-President Kerry Duke is excited about this year’s theme: “Jesus: The Lion and the Lamb.”

“The Bible calls Jesus both the lion and the lamb in Revelation 5:5-6,” he said. “The lamb represents gentleness, and the lion represents boldness. Jesus was gentle when he needed to be gentle and bold when the situation called for boldness. Most people prefer to think of Jesus as the lamb of God, but the Bible also refers to Him as a lion. It is important for young people to understand both of these characteristics of God and His Son Jesus Christ.”

Huddleston looks forward to welcoming new campers as well as reuniting with those who have attended before. 

“It’s a pleasure seeing the excitement of our full-time campers who have been coming for years,” he said.

Campers can expect new games during “Tim Time” with long-time camp activities leader Tim McHenry.

New lodging for the full-time young ladies and enhancements to the day camp classrooms are also in the works.

Mallory Huddleston, TBC Marketing and Public Relations Director, said, “It’s incredible how much the camp has grown over the years, and with growth comes a need for better facilities to accommodate the campers. We kindly ask for your help in donating toward TBC’s efforts to improve the camp.” Donations can be made here.

As always, Truth Bible Camp includes Bible lessons, daily devotionals, sermon preparation for the boys, Bible lesson preparation for the girls, arts and crafts, sports and VBS activities.

“Our campers receive top-notch, one-on-one teaching from TBC’s highly trained educators while also participating in a wide range of enjoyable indoor and outdoor activities,” Huddleston said.

To register for camp and find out more information, please visit here.

-Amy Davis, TBC Correspondent