Suppose you were called to a meeting and upon your arrival you met Jesus Christ the Lord waiting to see you. That would be astonishing enough for one lifetime, but added to seeing you, He asked you to do something for Him. Would you do it? And just possibly would you tell friends and family about it? Every good deed done in service to Christ counts as a visit. What counts as a visit for visitation? The following twenty are suggestions:
- a telephone call for the Lord
- flowers sent in time of sickness, trouble, death, etc.
- a card sent for the sake of Christ
- a letter written to encourage someone in Christ
- visiting the hospital
- visiting the nursing home
- visiting a private home
- taking someone to the doctor
- taking someone to the store
- taking someone to the drugstore
- talking with someone about the gospel
- inviting someone to worship
- inviting someone to a gospel meeting
- doing a good deed for someone
- giving someone a Bible or Christian literature
- text—check on health, absence of worship, encouragement
- social media—PRIVATE MESSAGE
- emails—to encourage
- taking meals, gift cards to restaurants (sick, death in family, new babies)
- providing food in time of need
In Matthew 25 Jesus asked you and me to help Him. He asked that we care for one another and those in need. He said when you act upon His invitation and visit, “Inasmuch as you have done unto one of the least of these my brethren, you have done unto me” (Matt. 25:40). Visiting is defined as pure religion (Jas. 1:27). All good deeds done to exalt Christ and help others count as a visit. Let your light shine!
-David Hill