May A Christian Fight For His Nation?

May A Christian Fight For His Nation?

Whether or not a Christian may enlist in military service and then fight in carnal combat for his nation has been an issue among Christians for many generations. There have been, and still are, conscientious people who have opposed such enlistment. There have been,...
Learning from History

Learning from History

Someone has rightly said, “one thing we learn from history is that people do not learn from history.”  How true this saying is.  It reminds us of individual people who always think of the other fellow.  The other fellow dies, but not I.  The other fellow suffers when...
Who and What Are We?

Who and What Are We?

Murderers deserve to die. Human beings are above animals. Aborting a baby’s life is wrong. All men are equal regardless of the color of their skin. These statements may be considered bold, but a simple phrase found early in the Bible addresses these issues.   God...
Keeping Our Sense About Senseless Shootings

Keeping Our Sense About Senseless Shootings

Church shootings are always tragic but they are not new. One case occurred in Dallas, Texas in 1899. William Lipscomb, Jr., the nephew of David Lipscomb, was the principal of Central High School. A man named John Carlisle was the head janitor of the school. The school...
Melting Pot Religion

Melting Pot Religion

Religion in America is becoming more and more diverse. A study conducted by the Cultural Research Center directed by George Barna concluded that the dominant worldview in this country is not a single religion or philosophy. It is a mixture of different beliefs, a...