Why Can’t Everyday be Like Christmas?

Why Can’t Everyday be Like Christmas?

The song recorded by Red West [c 1965] has become a staple of Christmas carols “O why can’t every day be like Christmas?” It’s an interesting thought in many ways, but specifically in a spiritual sense. A characteristic of many is to arise early to go to a church...
Finding Fault with the Bible

Finding Fault with the Bible

God has no use for dead churches and dead church members.  He condemned the church at Sardis which had a name that they were alive but in reality they were dead (Rev. 3:1).  A little later in Revelation 3 God condemned the church at Laodicea because they were in the...
Church Attendance

Church Attendance

There are many good moral people in the world who think they can go to heaven without any help from God.  We all appreciate a clean life, and yet it takes more than morality for one to go to heaven. If going to heaven is just a matter of a good clean life, then Jesus...
Jesus and Fellowship

Jesus and Fellowship

Jesus ate with sinners at times (Matt. 9:11).  Jesus fed thousands and ate with them (Mark 6:37-43).  Jesus preached in the synagogue (Matt. 4:23).  Jesus permitted Judas to work with Him during His personal ministry knowing he was a devil (John 6:64, 70).  Jesus...
Tired of Hearing It?

Tired of Hearing It?

The Lord “delivered righteous Lot, who was oppressed by the filthy conduct of the wicked (for that righteous man, dwelling among them, tormented his righteous soul from day to day by seeing and hearing their lawless deeds)” (II Peter 2:7-8). The people of Sodom were...