1. Those that read and study their Bible every day.

2. Those who walk in the way of the Lord and live the Christian life.

3. Those who are full of good work and always ready to go in love and rejoicing.

4. Those who are humble and know they make mistakes.

5. Those who love good men and women and support them in everything that is righteous.

6. Those who show genuine concern for the sick and afflicted.

7. Those who pray every day for the church, the lost, the elders, the deacons, the teachers of the word, and the leaders of the world.

8. Those who are not happy with being just the average.  They want to go beyond the average and excel in the Christian life.

9. Those who listen to the Bible and walk therein.  They receive the Word of God with all readiness of mind and heart.

10. Those who do their fair share in the work of the Lord.  They do not wait on someone else to do what they should be doing.

11. Those who respect the eldership and submit to them because they watch for their souls.

12. Those who encourage faithful preaching and give support to the faithful preachers and teachers of the Word of God.

13. Those who faithfully attend the services of the church, Bible study, Wednesday night Bible study, gospel meetings, vacation Bible school, workshops for Christians, etc.

14. Those who stay within the realm of Bible doctrine in all things.  They oppose leaving the Bible for manmade ways and manmade doctrine.

15. Those who show sympathy toward others when needed.  They not only forgive but encourage men and women to live right.

16. Those who pattern their lives after Jesus Christ in everything they do and say.

—Malcolm L. Hill January 12, 1934- June 26, 2012