

“Mother”—the most beautiful word on the lips of mankind—right next to “home,” “mother” takes us immediately to the warmth and safety of our childhood and right back to the arms of the one who loved us most, who rocked us, taught us, fed us, and prayed for us. How can...
Teaching Children Right from Wrong

Teaching Children Right from Wrong

Teaching Children Right from Wrong How can you teach your children about right and wrong in a mixed-up world? This episode begins with Jewish training in the home according to Deuteronomy 6:4-9 and Psalm 78:4-8. Next, we look at moral values in American history in an...
Truth Bible Camp’s Day Camp 2024

Truth Bible Camp’s Day Camp 2024

Truth Bible Camp is on the horizon!  It is set to take place June 9-13 of this year, and the youth in this area and other areas are already talking about it.  This camp is a special time of training for our youth as those of the ages of 12 through 18 will be involved...


I am going to list 25 laws from the woman’s viewpoint to keep her marriage from going stale.  These are not all original with me, I have collected them through the years. Never take your husband for granted (he might fade into the landscape.) Treat him with the same...
Children—The Future

Children—The Future

A very popular song of years gone by recognized that “children are our future.” In viewing the future, the past must be considered. The record reveals sin to be man’s problem (Gen. 2:16-17; 3:6-7), but it doesn’t have to be that way (James 4:7; I Thess. 5:22). The...